Our Clients

Our clients and partners are chapter-based and national organizations that believe making the world a better place truly matters.
We are passionate about the same thing. This philosophy is woven into the fabric of the work we produce and the way we treat our relationships.
Our clients matter. The causes they serve matter. At the end of the day, when we turn the lights out at our detective agency, we know we’re fighting for the good guys. This inspires us to continue giving our best.
Who We Serve
Although we serve nonprofits of all different sizes and causes, we specialize in the following sectors. In addition to some of our direct clients listed below, we assist dozens of others alongside our agency partners:
Animal Welfare
Organizations such as Humane Society of Arizona, Kentucky Humane Society, SPCA of Wake County who raise the funds for the rescue, care, and shelter of homeless, injured, and abandoned animals.
Human & Social Services
Multipurpose organizations such as Community FoodBank of New Jersey, Habitat for Humanity of Durham, and Human Kind that work hard to provide their communities nutritious food, housing, and a chance at a new life.
Faith-Based Organizations
Organizations such as The Midnight Rescue Mission, Boston Rescue Mission and Catholic Charities of Denver who play a critical role in delivering life-changing services to people in crisis.
Hospitals & Health Services
Leading healthcare centers, cancer hospitals and health service organizations whose mission includes advancing care, research, support, and prevention.

Solving fundraising for nonprofit organizations nationwide

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