How Audience Segmentation Boosted Our Giving Tuesday Campaign
If you work at a nonprofit organization or are involved in fundraising efforts, you’re likely

Fundraising: Building an Online Community is More Important Than Ever
Building your community, digital included, is more important than ever!

5 Tips to Grow Your Sustainer Campaign
Use these five tips to recruit more donors for your sustainer program.

When Pigs Fly: How to Make Your Online Video Soar
“Where’s Papa going with that ax?” said Fern to her mother as they were setting

It Is Not Too Late for a Year End Campaign (Part 2)
More than 17% of overall US giving occurred in December of 2014, and 12% of

Transparency and Going Beyond the Overhead Myth
The term minimalism is also used to describe a trend in design and architecture where

Tips to Make Your Off-Season Prospecting Strategies Click
Our non-profit clients often ask us: what can I do to better balance my acquisition

The Things We Do for Budget Cuts!
Have you read the recent article on how American Cancer Society lost $30 Million dollars

Multi-Cultural Marketing: The Strategic Roadmap
In my many years as a fundraising professional and as a member of an ethnic

It Is Not Too Late For A Year-End Campaign (Part 1)
Can you believe it! The holidays are right here on top of us. Just yesterday

Is Your Organization on the Bandwagon?
A recent benchmark study held by the Charity Dynamics agency found that a mass majority

How Can Monthly Donors Solve Many of Your Fundraising Needs?
As a fundraising strategist, I hear this all the time- We need a monthly giving

Find Your Direct Mail Donors Online
For years, direct mail has been the primary way to reach a household at a

Crowdfunding – Kick-Starter or a Perpetuating Boost?
In my interaction with clients, some of them have sought my opinion on leveraging the

5 Steps to Beat Your Biggest Marketing Challenge
Do you ever wake up at 3:30 am and wonder if you really know what

5 Groups to Thank for This Year’s Success Besides Your Donors
I often think how blessed are the charitable organizations to have the support of their

What Does Election Year Really Mean to Your Organization?
Every two years, when election season comes around, all of us fundraising professionals start to

Acquiring New Donors, One Email at a Time
Don’t you wish there were a magic bean that could instantly grow the number of

Engagement for Non-profits on Social Media
Engagement on social media is the most important tool to master, even more important than

Facebook Ads & the Apple IOS 14 Update
The highly anticipated release of Apple’s iOS14.5 update which was launched on April 26th, 2021